About Our Workout Examples
Here are a few examples of fun workouts that can be done at home.
Remember what was said in the motivational articles.
Any amount of exercise is better than none.
If you do want to complete the whole workout great..... but really they are there as a guide and you can
as little
or as much as your time allows. Maybe even split the workout in little pieces throughout the day.
Every Minute On The Minute
Pick an exercise.
Set a timer for 1 minute and perform 8-12 repetitions of the exercise.
Once the repetitions are complete rest for the remainder of the minute.
Start the timer again, do the prescribed number of repetitions, and rest the remainder of the
You can try and complete as many rounds as you like or as time allows but for a begginer aim for 5-6
If you are more advanced aim for 10-12 rounds.
This workout came from The Pump
5 Minute Home Workout
Do 1 minute of Pike Push-ups.
Do 1 minute of Pull-ups (or modify to Australian Pull-ups if preferred).
Do 1 minute of Push-ups.
Do 1 minute of Lunges.
Do 1 minute of Chair-dips.
This is an intense 5 minute workout. You can do as many rounds of this you like resting inbetween
or even do it several times throughout the day when you have a little free time.
This workout was provided by THENX,
Find the video demonstration of this workout on youtube.
This is a big workout designed by CrossFit. It includes
some running, so if you are able to get out and go for a run that's great, but if not just modify the
workout and drop the runs.
Start with a 1 mile run.
Do 100 Pull-ups (or modify to Australian Pull-ups if preferred).
Do 200 Push-ups.
Do 300 Squats.
Finish with another 1 mile run.
If completed in one go this can take a very long time. Feel free to modify this workout, maybe split
the Pull-ups, Push-ups and Squats into smaller sections to do throughout the day.
The Doubler
Pick 1 lower body exercise
and 1 upper body exercise.
Do as many repetitions as you can of the 1st exercise, then as many as you can of the 2nd.
Rest for 30-60 seconds.
Repeat above 2 steps for 5 rounds.
Remember that some exercise is better than none so if time doesn't allow for 5 rounds in one go just do
you can, when you can.
This workout was found on Fitnessvolt.com.
Deck Of Cards
Get a pack of cards and allocate an exercise to each suit.
Shuffle pack and turn over top card. Complete that number repetitions of the corresponding exercise.
is 1 repetition and any of the picture cards are 12 repetitions.
Work you way through the whole pack.
This workout is good fun and totals 354 repetitions if you complete the pack. Again this is something you
spread out through the day.
This workout was found on Fitnessvolt.com.
Other Interesting Sites
THENX is a brilliant site with
huge range of exercise guides, workouts and videos.
Their App is excellent too. They range from begginer bodyweight exercises to advanced calisthenics.
You can
sign-up to Arnold Schwarzenegger's daily news letter for motivational articles, workouts and
advice that is easy to digest.
This article from Fitnessvolt.com is good fun.
provides 10 workouts that can be done at home.